During Semester one, the Kurunjang Primary School Performing Arts program focuses on Drama. In Semester 2, Music and Dance will be the focus.
FoundationStudents participate in activities to develop self-awareness of facial expression, body language and use of their voice when communicating with others. They use dramatic play to explore characters and settings of stories read to them and created by them. Students explore Fairy Tales through role play, and create puppets to perform familiar tales.
Year 1 / 2Students use their voice, facial expressions, movement and space to communicate ideas. They work in small groups to develop stories with characters and settings and perform it to an audience. They respond to performances by expressing what they enjoy and why, through providing other performers with feedback. Students create and perform a play based on known stories using puppets.
Year 3 / 4Students use voice, body movement and language to create dramatic pieces in a variety of settings, both realistic and imaginary. They apply story structures in their plays including roles and events to create dramatic tension. Students plan, rehearse and perform their plays to an audience. Students respond to the drama pieces by watching other groups perform and providing them with constructive feedback. Students work in small groups to create a script and perform it using puppets produced in Visual Arts.
Year 5 / 6Students participate in scripted and improvisation drama. They explore how varying the volume, tone, projection and pitch of voice communicates character emotions and intentions. They work in small groups to create, rehearse and perform dramatic plays which include story structures including, scene setting, character development and creating dramatic tension. Students respond to the drama pieces by watching other groups perform and providing them with constructive feedback. Students work in small groups to create a script and perform it using puppets produced in Visual Arts. They watch other puppet plays and provide constructive feedback.