School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. A school council develops a vision for the school in collaboration with all members of the school community and is actively involved in the development of and endorses the school’s strategic plan.
School Council is the governing body of the school and draws on the school community for its members - parents, DET staff and the broader community. School Council determines appropriate policies within Department of Education and Training (DET) guidelines that will ensure that the aims of the school are achieved. In addition, Council controls the school’s monies and resources.
School Council operates under a framework provided by the:• Education and Training Reform Act 2006• Education and Training Regulations 2007• The School’s Constituting Order
Objectives, functions and powers of school councilsThe Education and Training Reform Act 2006 defines the objectives, functions and powers of school councils.
ObjectivesA school council’s objectives are to:• assist in the efficient governance of the school• ensure that its decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interests of the students• enhance the educational opportunities of the students of the school• ensure the school and the council comply with any requirements of this Act, the regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline or policy issued under this Act.
School Council is made up of 13 members:• 8 elected non-DET members - parents• 4 DET employees, other than the Principal• the Principal
Non DET members (Parents)Megan Djugum (President)Debra McDonladChristine Sacco
Hohan YuVaishali Mishra
DET members (Staff)Wendy McCall (Assistant Principal)Robert D'Elia
Toni HaversHayley Telllis (Education Support)
Merilyn deHaan
PrincipalThomas Goddard
Sub Committees
Thomas GoddardWendy McCallMerilyn deHaanDebra McDonald
Education:Thomas GoddardDebra McDonaldChristine Sacco
Buildings and Grounds:
Thomas Goddard
Harry Tilla
Wendy McCall