Here are links to relevant school policies. Please contact the school office if any further information is required.
Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan
Anaphylaxis AsthmaBullying Prevention
Bus Safety
CCTV-Privacy Notice
Child Safety PolicyChild Safe Code of Conduct Commitment to Child Safety
Complaints PolicyChild Safe Compliance Cycle Child Safe - Four Critical Actions for Schools Child Safe Reporting Obligations Camps and Excursions
Closed Circuit Television Complaints Curriculum FrameworkDuty of Care
Enrolment Policy
First Aid - (include arrangements for ill students)Fundraising
Health Care Needs
HomeworkInclusion & Diversity - (includes Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment)
Parent Payments F-2
Parent Payments 3-6
Personal PropertyPROTECT
Restraint and Seclusion
Respect for School Staff
Student Engagement & Wellbeing
Schools' Privacy Statement of Values and School Philosophy
Student Dress Code
Sun Protection
Visitors Volunteers WWCC
WWCC Register ProcedureYard Duty and Supervision